專案類型 / 空間


空間承襲Art Deco豪華且簡約的精神,透過洗鍊線條與沉著裝飾語彙兩兩相鑄,營造出通透富有層次的空間脈絡。天花採用鍍鈦板材質大器鋪排,輔以簡潔俐落的幾何圖形勾勒出鮮明輪廓,其表面上下反射的特性,隨著光影轉折、延續、照映,在不同視角下衍生出人與空間的動態情境。梯間過渡區,以一抹復古綠點亮視覺焦點,運用錯落有致的浮雕線板形塑一道丰姿縝緻的精工廊道,設計再引古典韻味與當代藝術,成為令人願意駐足的空間段落。

The space inherits the luxurious and simple spirit of Art Deco. Through the sophisticated lines and decoration reflecting each other and create a wide and rich hierarchy environment. The ceilings are plated with titanium plate material, combined with simple and neat geometric that outlines the distinctive profile. The characteristics of the titanium material's surface that reflect up and down with the transition, continuation, shine of light and shadow, deriving the dynamic scenery of the people and the space from different perspectives. The transition zone leads to the ladder, with a touch of retro green as the visual focus, using a board of disorder relief to form an exquisite corridor. The design combines classical charm with contemporary art and becomes an unforgettable space.


By using “enframed scenery” design method to make the space have unexpected dramatic effects; at the same time, connecting intangible atmosphere and physical through fluent traffic flow’s arrangements that allows the transition of different fields remain its own uniqueness. The chef area is defined by an open bar, using same material to create two sides of the wall and hiding the door, which leads to the kitchen on the infield, disappears without leaving a trace. Framing this concise and elegant picture, all guests can enjoy the wonderful cooking show while dinning happily.


We use rusty iron, wood, cement, tiles and other materials to elaborate the interior space, and combine warm and simple natural elements together. The space echoes the natural ingredients used in the restaurant, and gives the guests a relaxing experience as well; furthermore, the material with rich natural texture also perfectly embodies the aesthetic spirit of French exquisite elegance. The main areas of space draw upon the concept of the "atrium". Brewing the original scent of nature, we use the luminous design that resembles natural light and greenery planting embellishment. The leisure area particularly interprets the “starry sky” image with irregular lighting design. The overall is infusions of a casual style and a sense of life with comfortable eclectic furniture.

以「虛實交疊」的設計手法,緬訴一種浪漫情懷、一種豪不設限的想像力, 一種轉換心境的全新體驗。藉暈黃燈光的晦明變化、材質粗獷與細膩的衝突對照,在沉著雅致的色彩闡述下,調和出微醺浪漫的品酒氛圍。高貴奢華的裝飾語彙映照樸實的水泥地板、法式精美的餐瓷對應檯面的粗獷質地,讓人感受到高反差的衝突之美;客席區的柱體則透過線板與噴砂玻璃交錯,一實一虛的視覺效果,營造出簡約而強烈、靜謐卻張力十足的對比巧思。休閒區轉角設置以池畔湖水為靈感的水波燈,隨著牆面不斷變化的光影,宛如湖面反射月光倒影波光粼粼的美麗景緻,帶領來賓進入視覺感官的魔幻旅程。

We blended the illusory and the reality together to describe romantic feelings, unlimited imagination and also new experiences. Those contrasts between the changes of the dim light, the conflict of rough and delicate material shows the beauty of conflict. The noble and luxurious decoration contrasts with the unadorned concrete floor; Those French fine dining porcelain contrasts with the rough platform of table. The columns in the guest area create an Intense and tensile visual effect through the boards which Interleaved with sandblasted glass. The undulating light which inspired by poolside and located in the corner of the leisure area with the changing light and shadow on the wall, it seems just like the reflection of moonlight reflected in the lake, bringing all guests into the magical journey of visual senses.

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